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Bryce Dahl – IIOP student, International Clinical Rotation (Quito, Ecuador) 9/16/2020

Bryce Dahl – IIOP student, International Clinical Rotation (Quito, Ecuador) 9/16/2020

Los Perros y El Pichincha

This past weekend the gang got together (found friends!) and we climbed the 4703m (15,429ft) mountain called Cumbre Rucu Pichincha. Living in Colorado for a year and working in RMNP for a summer, I’ve been fortunate enough to see some pretty cool peaks at some high altitudes but Pichincha has my tallest Colorado peak beat by over a thousand feet. We were fortunate enough to have photographer Pancho (@panchopaz) with us to capture the experience!

The clinic has steam coming off of it at all times these days as we have been producing socket after socket. We had a new little furry patient join us on Monday with a congenital below-elbow amputation. We were able to successfully cast little Tarzana and will do our best to fit her with a prosthetic arm and hopefully give this little pup one more reason to smile!

