Hi everyone! My name is Sam, and I am the student blogger for the Fall 2022 cohort (The Divine 29)! Our class has really been enjoying getting to know each other, our professors, and the other cohorts at IIOP. We are currently in midterm week, which has been a lot to prepare for, but we are almost done! This week we had our Anatomy and Gait midterms, and next week we will take Pathology and Neuroanatomy. For Gait this week, one of our labs focused on how cognitive overload impacts our normal self-selected gait. It was really cool to see how distractions effect our walking and using the Gait mat has been such a great addition to our labs, we are so grateful to have access to this piece of equipment! We also got to meet some of the patient models that the senior cohort is working with, it was so cool to see how their projects turned out, and we got some service-dog interaction as well. After midterms we will give our semester presentations for Pathology and Neuroanatomy, so check back soon for another update!
Thanks for reading!
Sam Bousman