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Sam Bousman – Student Blog 2/16/23

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 2/16/23

Hi Everyone! 

We are halfway through Orthotic Management of the Spine and here are some things we’ve been up to! First, we would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Kristian from The National Scoliosis Center for coming in and talking with us about scoliosis. He gave a very informative and interactive lecture, and we had the chance to go over some case studies with him at the end of the day as well. Another thank you goes out to the American Heart Association for coming in and giving us our Basic Life Support Training! We are currently working on our custom TLSO’s, it has been so fun to cast each other, fill our plaster molds, and really see our work come to life in the lab. Our class works so well together as a team, and it is obvious that everyone is enjoying what we’re doing! At the end of the week, we will fit and deliver our TLSO’s, so check back to see how they turn out, we can’t wait! 

Thanks for reading, 

Sam Bousman