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Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 2/14/22

Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 2/14/22

The past couple weeks we learned all about the componentry of lower limb prosthetics! We were able to get our hands on all the components and put together our very own transtibial prosthetic leg. I realized how many different pieces and parts are individualized to the patient for their safety and comfort. It is incredible to see all the pieces and parts come together like a puzzle. Wednesday this week some of the SGA members took a field trip to Tallahassee, Florida to speak to legislators about O&P, what we do in our field, the curriculum at our school, and learned a lot about how the senate and House of Representatives works! It was truly an incredible experience. This week we see patient models and get to cast and fit our first transtibial patient! I am so excited and can’t wait to tell you all how it went next week! 

Check back, 

Alyssa Noe