Today marks an exciting milestone for IIOP’s five second-semester students as they celebrate receiving their coveted white coats and took a professional oath to serve their patients and the O&P community. We were lucky to have the current President of the American Board for Certification of Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Anthony Ward, in attendance to address the students about some of the highlights of being a professional in their chosen field and the changes he’s seen throughout his years in the industry.
Family and friends of the students didn’t feel completely left out, as they joined in via Zoom. The five IIOP students that were proudly celebrated today are: Savanna Stumpf, Ian Reyes, Rene Respicio, Peter Marx, and Jacob Sliman. They have now reached the point in their curriculum where they will start to see patient models and simulate real patient scenarios. They are on their way to look and feel prepared in their bright white coats!
Savanna Stumpf Ian Reyes Rene Respicio Peter Marx Jacob Sliman