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Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 3/30/22

Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 3/30/22

Hello All,

Last week was very exciting we created a Custom Bivalve TLSO. We went through the processes of scanning, carving, modification, fabrication, fitting, and delivery. Being able to create my very own TLSO helped me understand and relate to patients who use custom bivalve TLSOs. This week we finished up our Orthotics Management of the Spine Class on Tuesday with our final exam which went well. Now, we are onto our next class adventure in Orthotics Management of the Lower Limb. I am so excited because we get to create a pair of foot orthotics that we get to keep! So, stay tuned and check back to see my foot orthotics! 

Until next time,

Alyssa Noe