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Alyssa Noe-IIOP Student Blog-October 29, 2021

Alyssa Noe-IIOP Student Blog-October 29, 2021

Hi Y’all I am back! 

It has been a stressful couple weeks studying for midterms, but we have reached the light at the end of the tunnel! Midterms are over and it is almost Halloween! Hope you all have figured out your costumes and plans for the weekend and don’t forget to eat lots of candy! 

Outside of our midterms Thursday some of the students participated in a cooking class with Chef Ami and let me tell you the lunch we had was delicious! (check out the pictures attached to this blog) Some things we learned were how to finely cut different vegetables and fruits which I can tell you I did not do correctly before this class. Overall, a very productive and successful week.  

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoyed your week! 

Happy Halloween and see you next week! 

Alyssa Noe