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Bryce Dahl – IIOP student, International Clinical Rotation (Quito, Ecuador) 12/10/2020

Bryce Dahl – IIOP student, International Clinical Rotation (Quito, Ecuador) 12/10/2020

Patients and Cumbre de Pasachoa

Dec 10th, 2020

This past week was one I’ll never forget as I got to fit a bilateral transfemoral patient (and new friend) Nicol, with her new sockets and feet (my first solo modifications). She will use a prosthetic system without knees until she has acclimated to the distal pressure and gains control of her balance on her residual limbs. Previously I met Katherine (experienced prosthetic user) and made her a new definitive polypropylene socket. We made a pivot on her plan of care and decided to fabricate a REVO Fit2 carbon fiber adjustable socket. This new socket will allow her to fluctuate volume during her pregnancy and will allow for her to participate in her dance classes that she loves.

An emotional week to say the least as this was the first week I got to see real fruition in my own work. The chase for the perfect socket is just beginning but it is so satisfying to find something I can love and be progressive in. Getting to connect with patients while providing a service is so cool and I am so fortunate to have had this amazing opportunity.