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IIOP and Orthomerica Host Cranial Certification Course

IIOP and Orthomerica Host Cranial Certification Course

Orthomerica Products, Inc., a global manufacturer of prefabricated, semi-custom and custom O&P devices, is pleased to announce its partnership with the International Institute of Orthotics & Prosthetics (IIOP). IIOP will be hosting Orthomerica’s new STARbandCranial Course (SCC), a prerequisite for ordering from our line of FDA cleared cranial remolding orthoses. This new online training program is the most comprehensive cranial course available and has been awarded 25 credits from the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC). The educational process consists of 26 modules supplemented with required readings. A quiz follows completion of each module and all modules must be completed for ABC credit award. Orthomerica will also be sponsoring a cranial remolding treatment room at IIOP that includes our latest scanning technologies such as the STARscannerand SmartSocsystems. In early 2021, Orthomerica and IIOP will introduce a new post-certification cranial course for credentialed orthotic clinicians and other allied health care professionals. This three-week advanced educational program will be held at IIOP in Tampa, FL and will focus on the pathologies, technologies, patient care programs and current research associated with the orthotic treatment of infants with skull deformities. Expert cranial instructors will provide the didactic information and oversee all clinical interactions. This post-certification training program is the first of its kind for O&P and aligns with the continuing shift towards clinical specializations for certain pathologies and the corresponding O&P treatments. According to Deanna Fish, CPO, Clinical Outreach Manager for Orthomerica, “Orthomerica is pleased to continue to enhance the overall knowledge of pediatric cranial anomalies for physicians, orthotists, therapists and parents through the healthcare industry’s most comprehensive training program. The STARbandCranial Course (SCC) will have global implications and effects as Orthomerica continues its overseas implementation of cranial treatments. We are pleased to partner with IIOP to bring this unique educational pathway to our orthotic colleagues. Advanced education for clinical specializations will continue to elevate clinical outcomes for all patients in need.“ For more information and to register for the course, contact IIOP at 813-517-1741 or go to: