Hi everyone!
We made it through midterms! Our class is so happy that all our studying paid off, and of course we had to celebrate with bowling. This was a great bonding experience for the group, and we discovered some of us are good at bowling (I am not one of them). We got back into Anatomy and Physiology lecture this week and had the opportunity to finish up working on our presentations for Pathology and Neuroanatomy. It is so hard to believe that we are over halfway through our first semester here at IIOP. We are having such a great experience and are getting more and more excited to get into our lab classes next semester! In gait lab this week, we learned about the different gait deviations that a patient can present with, and different orthotic treatments to go along with them. We were put into groups and had a few minutes to present on our assigned gait deviation, some of the groups were creative and engaging with how they chose to present, and it was a fun way to learn the information. We will give our semester presentations next week for Neuroanatomy and Pathology and we are looking forward to listening to what each group learned about their topic! Check back soon for more updates and thank you for reading!
Sam Bousman