Hi everyone!
We have officially completed our first semester here at IIOP. Everyone spent so much time studying and the hard work paid off. I am so proud of my classmates and cannot wait to see what is in store for us over our next 3 semesters here. After final exams, our class attended the senior symposium which took place on December 7th. It was so cool to see what each of the seniors chose to do their research projects on, and it was a great way to start brainstorming different topics that our class can research for our future symposium! The freshmen class would like to extend a huge congratulations to the graduating seniors! They have been great role models for our class, and it has been so fun talking with all of them between classes to ask for advice and any other questions that we might have about clinical, residency, and our future semesters here at IIOP. We wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors. That’s all for this semester, check back in January to see all of us back in the lab! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Sam Bousman