Hi everyone!
We are wrapping up our final class of the semester, Orthotic Management of the Lower Limb 1! We completed 5 projects during this class including a solid-ankle AFO, an articulated AFO, accommodative foot orthotics, a UCBL, and a rocker bottom sole! Everyone has been working so hard and we cannot believe we are entering our last semester here on campus! This week we are also congratulating the senior class (Navy 9) on their graduation from IIOP. It has been great getting to know them at school and we wish them the best of luck in starting their residencies! This week we also had the pleasure of having a lunch and learn session with Renee Vanveld from Residency Network. Renee gave us an informative and interactive presentation along with pizza and answered any questions that we had regarding the residency process, thank you Renee! After our final exam we have a nice break before heading into summer session, so check back soon for more updates.
Thanks for reading!
Sam Bousman