Hi everyone!
We are back for the start of our summer semester. This week, the SGA executive board (Reagan, myself, Care, and Katherine) had the opportunity to travel to Washington DC and attend the American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association (AOPA) 2023 Policy Forum! Day 1 of the forum was all about educating the attendees on the bill we are advocating for, which is called the Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Care Act. We listened in on panel discussions that were moderated by experts in the field of O&P and had the opportunity to listen to a keynote speech given by Kyle Stepp, a true advocate and inspiration in the field of O&P. We also met with students from other O&P programs, it was so cool to talk with the other students and come together as one voice! On day 2 of the forum, we took all of our knowledge and lobbying skills learned on day 1 to Capitol Hill! We met with state Senators and Representatives from all over the country and advocated for equitable O&P care. This was a wonderful experience, and we were thrilled to represent IIOP at this event. We can’t wait for the conference next year. Back on campus we are approaching our midterm for Orthotic Management of the Lower Limb 2, so check back soon for more updates!
Thanks for reading,
Sam Bousman