IIOP always very fortunate to have the support of fellow Orthotic and Prosthetic manufacturers and businesses. One of our first and most generous sponsors has been Orthomerica Products, Inc. Our neighbors to the East, Orthomerica has supported the International Institute of Orthotics and Prosthetics from its conception, and we are forever thankful. IIOP was thrilled to host several honored guests from Orthomerica’s team last night at our first ever graduation ceremony. OPI’s Vice President of Business Development, has made an impact in all facets of the Orthotics and Prosthetics fields, including marketing, regulatory, reimbursement, and patient care operations. Orthomerica Vice President of Business Development addressed our graduates and their families about not being afraid to take on new challenges, and about how the field has experienced changes with the entrance of new generations of practitioners. Also joining Orthomerica Vice President of Business Development, Orthomerica’s CFO George Arellano, cranial products manager Christina Hinton, and cranial services manager Rob Tetro.
As the students leave behind one chapter and embrace their new positions as residents, having the opportunity to speak with influential people such as our guests last night can go a long way. We hope that our friends at Orthomerica enjoyed the celebration and we are grateful and continue to appreciate their ongoing support.