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Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 4/19/22

Alyssa Noe – IIOP Student Blog 4/19/22

Hi All,

Welcome back hope you all had a fabulous Easter! 🐰 Our class celebrated Easter on the beach, which was different for most of us, but we all had a blast. As we approach the end of the semester, we are excited to head into our clinical rotations. We are finishing up lower-limb orthotics in the next couple of weeks and this week, and our final is April 28th! We cast, fabricated, and fit accommodative foot orthotics, a UCBL, and a solid ankle AFO. Everyone’s turned out great, and we are learning many different techniques and methods when it comes to the fabrication process. Enjoy the many pictures attached and stay tuned next week for the final week before the summer semester and clinicals.


Alyssa Noe