January 30, 2024 / Student Blog

Laurel Harrington – Student Blog 1/30/24

Core 34 is moving right along! Fresh in their white coats, in the past few weeks they’ve learned all about...
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November 30, 2023 / Student Blog

Laurel Harrington – Student Blog 11/30/23

What an amazing couple of weeks for Core 34! From the Special Olympics in Orlando to a festive Thanksgiving gathering,...
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October 10, 2023 / Student Blog

Laurel Harrington – Student Blog 10/10/23

Hi everyone! Midterms are underway, and core 34 has created some great study games, study groups, and some pretty funny...
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October 2, 2023 / Student Blog

Laurel Harrington – 10/02/23

Hi everyone! This week at IIOP, we performed palpation and measurements of the lower limbs to identify bony landmarks. We...
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September 25, 2023 / Student Blog

Laurel Harrington – Student Blog 9/25/23

Hi Everyone! Core 34 update!  This week Core 34 received some hands-on interactive training in casting, postural analysis, and real-life...
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August 18, 2023 / Student Blog

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 8/18/23

Hi everyone!  I can't believe I'm writing the last blog for the Divine 29's time here on campus. We finished...
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August 1, 2023 / Student Blog

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 7/31/23

Hi everyone! It has been a busy summer for the Fall'22 Cohort! Last week we finished our 4th class of...
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July 17, 2023 / Student Blog

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 7/17/23

Hi everyone!  We have finished Prosthetic Management of the Upper Limb! We accomplished a lot during this course and had...
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June 28, 2023 / Student Blog

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 6/28/23

Hi everyone!  That's a wrap on Prosthetic Management of the Lower Limb 2! Last week we finished up our second...
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June 19, 2023 / Student Blog

Sam Bousman – Student Blog 6/19/23

Hi everyone!  We are about halfway through our second class of the semester, Prosthetic Management of the Lower Limb 2! Right...
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